Monday, November 10, 2008

Warming up for NaNoWriMo

Update: it's been a while, and in the meantime, Obama WINS! Yay!

There's a lot I could say about the election, but thousands and thousands of words have already been written. Suffice to say that I cried when they called it for Obama. Like so many others, I feel like we've been living in a really bad place for the past eight years, and now there's hope for the future.

On the writing front, I'm trying to (temporarily) focus away from blogging during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which I signed up for on October 31. Nothing like putting things off till the last minute. And if that means anything, I'll probably be attempting to write 50,000 words on November 30th.

Although I have promised myself some hours today to re-start, jump-start, and otherwise begin the new opus: Not for PRofit/Mission Statement/Title TBD. I've got until April 24, 2009 to finish it. We'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, the virtual RA crew team - i.e., the guys who show up in the middle of the night with great big mighty wooden oars to get in a beat-down of my joints have been hanging out in the neighborhood lately. They must be, otherwise I have no explanation for hurting so bad in the past week. Oh well: that's why the Holy One invented Vicodin.

I'll be over at StarCrossed later today (I hope.) More to come.

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